The primary purpose of sequencing genomes is to identify the underlying genetic variation between individuals and to explore what role those changes have on human phenotypes. Our research laboratory develops and implements methods to precisely identify and resolve different types of genomic variation. Our goal is to integrate this information with other forms of biologically and medically relevant data to improve our overall understanding of human health and disease.
Recent News

2023 Lab Holiday Party
We had our annual Lab Holiday Party this year at Ryan’s house. We shared excellent food, silly white elephant gifts, and skill at playing nerdy games related...

The Annual Summer Lab Cookout
Our lab had a lot of fun at our annual cookout at Ryan’s house. The food and drinks were so good! We enjoyed talking with each other in person after months o...

BAMnostic Published
Marcus’ paper on an OS-agnostic toolkit for genomic sequence analysis was published in the Journal of Open Source Software!

Welcome Chen
The Mills Lab is happy to welcome Chen Sun as he will be joining the lab for his Ph.D. After having completed rotations in the labs of Dr. Jun Li, and Dr. Yu...

Lunar New Year
The Mills Lab celebrated the new lunar year with festive decorations, and… apologies to our vegan and vegetarian colleages, meat. Delicious. Tasty. Meat. And...

Tony Thesis Defense
The Mills Lab would like to congratulate Tony Chun on his successful Ph.D. thesis defense. His thesis titled “Development and Application of Next-generation ...

Welcome Alex
The Mills Lab is happy to welcome back Alex Weber as she will be joining the lab for her Ph.D. We look forward to many years of shenanigans – rather, many ye...

Xuefang Thesis Defense
The Mills Lab would like to congratulate Xuefang Zhao on her successful Ph.D. thesis defense. Her thesis title “Understanding The Complexity of Human Genomic...